
A lightweight, expandable table-view library for iOS.

Developed, supported, and maintained by ajkoshy7

Code licensed under MIT.

Copyright © 2014-Present NativeInk.


A lightweight subclass of UITableView with Expandable/Collapsible rows. Implemented by inserting a cell below an expanded parent cell to act as a container. The container is adjusted to fit the height of the combined row heights of all child row heights in the nested table view. Both the parent row and child row heights can be adjusted to suit your needs.


  • A UITableView subclass implemented using a second, nested table view
  • Support for custom and independent row heights for parent and child table views
  • Recycled cells for both parent and child table views, allowing for high performance at large numbers of parents and children
  • Easy to plug in and customize to fit your project


This repo contains an example project optimized for iPhone to use as a template for testing purposes


If this helped you out, or you'd like to see it further developed, donations are appreciated via Square Cash.